Global Wellness Manager
Associate Director, Clinical Account Management
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Cooper Companies took a unique approach to employee health with the creation of the Cooper Care Collaborative initiative. While nurse coaching is not a new concept, Cooper found an innovative and effective way to create synergy with program integration through different coaching venues. Partnering with their health insurance carrier and a local wellness solutions company, Cooper is offering one-on-one onsite nurse coaching, as well as access to telephonic nurse advocates. Cooper can offer wellness assistance to nearly every employee through this choice of solutions. The winning, unique recipe for success is that both teams of nurses are educated about the other and consistently promote each other’s services where appropriate. Presenters will provide examples of how Cooper navigates the obstacles and challenges of diverse cultures, demographics and work settings to offer valued coaching to employees and to integrate wellness with medical management, social and community resources.

©2019 Health Enhancement Research Organization 'HERO Health'

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